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Comentarios (2)

Joanie - 24 Septiembre 18:52

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Buckhannon - 30 Julio 13:05

General Francisco R. Municipio del Estado de Zacatecas, México.

Harrison - 5 Junio 17:27

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Hornshaw - 7 Enero 23:01

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Hornshaw - 24 Junio 12:02

Looking at it realistically it takes time for a culture to evolve and change its views. Something more gradual like a third type of bathroom would be easiest to cope with for a society and the people who grew up only knowing the social norms of that culture. It would cause less resistance and would be easier to adjust to.

Stodolski - 9 Mayo 13:10


Sofia. Edad: 23
Estella. Edad: 22
Zara. Edad: 28